Pit Bulls Are Amazing: Words from Owners who Love them

So last month, October, was Pit Bull Awareness month and we wanted to share some of the stories you sent us about why your Pit Bull is AMAZING. Here are a few of your stories in your words to shed some light on the most misunderstood breeds of all: the Pit Bulls.


“I just had to share my sweet boy, Goose! He turned three today, and I rescued him a little under three years ago from a farm right outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. He's been one of the best friends a girl could ask for, and such a joy. Pitbulls really are the sweetest! “ - Emma



"Hey there :) My name is Sami (@samisandss) and I have a blue pitbull named Bailey. My boyfriend and I adopted her from the humane society around 2 months ago. She is now 6 months old and was abandoned in an old run down hotel room with her mom and sister. We love her so very much and is the best dog we have ever had. Pitbulls are a misunderstood breed and it's so sad since mine is the sweetest and most loving dog ever." - Sami



"My pitbull, technically he's a BullyPit, Buster is the guy with the black eye :) Here our story:Two years ago around this time of the year, my mom decided that I needed a dog because of my PTSD. A family friend was giving away some puppies so of course we jumped to the opportunity. We took the puppy home, not even knowing or caring what breed he was. As he got older and my mom did more research on him, we figured out he was a BullyPit, half purebred pit and half purebred bulldog. I hadn't heard about the stereotypes of pit bulls nor did I care why people were scared of my puppy. As I got older, I was trying to register him as my ESA and it was then that I found out what pit bills were known for. There wasn't an ounce of me that believed that pits could EVER do what the media claims they do. So now, two years later I wear my "I Love Pitbulls" trucker hat almost every day, generally with a pit bull t-shirt. And to prove how sweet of a dog Buster is, we recently got Molly, a 7 week old full pit bull. They're rough, but Buster could never hurt anyone like the media says he would." - Karissa



"I have had Maddie since she was 4 weeks old, now almost 2 years old. Maddie is amazing because she is always changing people's minds about pitbulls, I can't name how many people we have had tell us she is so well behaved, and that she definitely makes them realize that it's all about how the breed is raised. Especially kids, Maddie adores kids of all ages." - Jeanette



We love hearing your stories and sharing your love of Pit Bulls with the rest of the world. If you have a story you would like to share please email us at mypitbullfriend@gmail.com and attach pictures!



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Nitro the Hero American Staff

This Amazing Pit Bull Story comes from Frankie Piccone and is about his wonderful dog Nitro
an American Staffordshire Terrier and his beloved son of 13yrs, may his sweet soul RIP.

It was Frankie’s first time owning this breed, having only had Golden Retrievers, Labradors and a German Sheppard but Nitro was by far the smartest of them all. At not even 4 months, Nitro was trained with just hand commands and basic words but by the 5th month he was doing tricks, climbing trees, jumping over 6 ft walls and following everything and anything he was commanded to do. Frankie taught him to be friendly and non aggressive, to walk by his right side without a leash and to not cross the street without a hand gesture. He was well behaved off leash and Frankie never had to worry about him chasing after any dog, cat, squirrel, or other animal. Nitro was so trained to listen to Frankie’s commands that even when a friend of his tossed a steak into the street and told him to get it, Nitro didn’t budge until Frankie gave him the gesture. By the 7th month Nitro was being trained to guard and protect and knew a trigger word, “tijerras”, which means scissors in Spanish and was only to be used for defense.

The story begins one night when Frankie, who worked with a professional drag racing team at the time, got back home to New York City from the NHRA circuit event in Texas and took Nitro out in his not so great neighborhood for a walk. Nitro was in the bushes taking care of business when out of the nowhere a man sneaks up behind Frankie with a gun to his back and tells him to give him all of his belongings. As Frankie reaches for his wallet, Nitro jumps out of the bushes and bites the man’s hand causing him to drop the gun. The man tries to grab the gun with his free hand so Frankie yells the trigger word “tijerras” and Nitro starts biting down harder as Frankie proceeds to kick the mugger. The man starts yelling and just a few minutes later a squad car pulls up. One of the neighbor’s must have called due to the screaming. The cop draws his gun out and says that he’s going to shoot the dog so Frankie stops kicking the man and commands Nitro to release him. Nitro releases the mugger and Frankie grabs him so the cop won’t shoot his dog. The cop is scared and asks where the leash is all the while the mugger is inching closer to where the gun was in the bushes. Frankie screams to the cop that the mugger is trying to reach for the gun he just tried to rob him with as another squad car pulls up. This time a woman cop draws her gun out and points it at Frankie screaming for him to get on the ground and release Nitro. Frankie doesn’t want Nitro to get shot so he lays on top of him covering him from open fire while the mugger gets cuffed. The cops then come over to Frankie wanting to detain him as well and still pointing their guns at him and Nitro. He explains what just transpired and after an id check they release him and tell him what a great dog he has and that he is brave for protecting his dog because had he not, Nitro would’ve been shot.

Now Frankie is very good friends with those officers and it’s been over 9 years since that incident happened. Nitro has always left a great first impression with anyone that he has met. He saved Frankie’s life 3 times at gun point in NYC, he just wishes he could have returned the favor as cancer got the best of Nitro. Frankie misses him dearly as he is the son he never had. Nitro was honestly loved by many people in this country and has touched many hearts. Frankie knows he’s in a far better place now and is looking for places to take Frankie when they finally reunite.

“RIP my beloved son daddy truly misses you.”- Frankie Piccone

It is stories like this that truly show what great companions Pit Bulls can be. They love and protect you with their whole being. Please don’t judge the breed, judge the deed.

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