Puppy Transit is the story of a boy named Freddie who finds an abandoned puppy named Denver on a cold rainy night. He discovers that the puppy is homeless and takes him in. From there on out, Freddie learns what he needs to do to care for a dog. The two form a team and even start their own business driving other dogs around on their very own transportation system rightfully named the “Puppy Transit.”
Puppy Transit is children's book written and illustrated by by two sisters, Susan and Nancy Wu. Their inspiration behind this book began with their very own dog – Denver.
Meet Denver the Inspiration behind Puppy Transit!
The sisters adopted Denver, a Siberian Husky and German Shepherd, in March of 2014. Until then their only real experience owning a dog was limited to their special stuffed animal dog, Pupo.
“The idea for Puppy Transit started partially because we are crazy dog ladies. Our previous experience with dogs was limited to this:”
The sisters with their first dog Pupo, a stuffed animal dog!
This book teaches compassion for animals, responsibility, and a drive to help others. The Puppy Transit was created by Freddie and Denver to take dogs to and from work.
“Since Denver is neither small nor a service animal, he is not allowed to ride the bus. But wouldn’t it be awesome if all dogs were allowed to take the bus?! Thus, Puppy Transit was born. We wanted to create a world where dogs with different jobs could commute to work and back home.”
If you would like to win a FREE COPY of the book keep on reading. We are holding a Contest on our Instagram page. Here's how to enter:
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One Winner will be chosen at random and announced via Instagram on June 10th 2015. The winner will receive a Free digital copy of the book.
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